OP-Studio is the architectural photography practice of Mitch Collins.

Recently returning from Japan where he worked as an architectural photographer, Mitch holds a life-long passion for photography and is fascinated by photography’s relationship with architecture and urbanism.

The photographs from OP-Studio are inspired by all forms of art, be it literature, music, films, or painting. Mitch aims to represent architecture in a way that feels fresh like J Dilla’s music, yet meditative like Ozu’s films.

Architects, designers, builders... often work with minutiae, in fractions of millimetres; Mitch believes in channeling their passion to deliver that same level of precision.

*Optical Paths

1.The trajectory that light rays follow as they propagate through an optical medium.

(Camera Obscura, Athanasius Kircher's Ars Magna Lucis Et Umbrae, 1645)


Architectural Photography
Auckland, New Zealand


All rights reserved 2025